Best Horror Film 2022
The Tell Tale Heart - Dir. by McClain Lindquist
1st Runner Up
Part Forever - Dir. by Alan Chung-An, Ou
2nd Runner Up
The Bottom - Dir. by Morgan Ruaidhrí O'Sullivan, James Kautz
Best 6ix Horror
Poltergeist Punk - Dir. by Jamie Rogers
Best Actor
Gerardo Oñate - Tekenchu
Best Actress
Niamh Branigan - Dispensary of Death
Best Cast
Dispensary of Death - Dir. by Simon O'Neill
Best Cinematography
Jorell Odell - Anniversary
Best Writer
Jason Warriner - Garden Plot
Best Director
Christian Bachini - Escalation
Best Makeup and SFX
$trip - Dir. by Craig Ouellette
Best Original Score
Hollie Buhagiar - Annabel Lee
Creepiest Film
Zmiena - Dir. by Pierre Renverseau
Mind Distorter Award
Shut - Dir. by Niels Bourgonje
Kickass Scene Award
Escalation - Dir. by Christian Bachini
Best Folklore Film
Wendigo - Dir. by Erich Foerster
Best Monster
Ofuda - Dir. by Yoshinobu Nakamura
Most Evil Villain
Janus - Dir. by Priscila Carvalho Vailones
Best Classic Villain
The House - Dir. by Rosie Grypma, Wayne Lai
Cutest Monster
Sally's Lullaby - Dir. by Jonathan Cook
Best Animated Horror
Memento Mori - Dir. by Paul O'Flanagan
Best Sci-Fi Horror
Transfert - Dir. by Jonathan Degrelle
Best Horror Comedy
13 Callaway Place - Dir. by Jesse James Hennessy
Best Poster
Smiley Face - Dir. by François Ricard-Sheard
Honourable Mentions
The Name's Slim - Dir. by Tyrel Haight
Immolation - Dir. by Neal Tyler
Angler - Dir. by Angel Hernández
IVI ELV - Dir. by Luigi Scarpa
The Tell Tale Heart - Dir. by McClain Lindquist
1st Runner Up
Part Forever - Dir. by Alan Chung-An, Ou
2nd Runner Up
The Bottom - Dir. by Morgan Ruaidhrí O'Sullivan, James Kautz
Best 6ix Horror
Poltergeist Punk - Dir. by Jamie Rogers
Best Actor
Gerardo Oñate - Tekenchu
Best Actress
Niamh Branigan - Dispensary of Death
Best Cast
Dispensary of Death - Dir. by Simon O'Neill
Best Cinematography
Jorell Odell - Anniversary
Best Writer
Jason Warriner - Garden Plot
Best Director
Christian Bachini - Escalation
Best Makeup and SFX
$trip - Dir. by Craig Ouellette
Best Original Score
Hollie Buhagiar - Annabel Lee
Creepiest Film
Zmiena - Dir. by Pierre Renverseau
Mind Distorter Award
Shut - Dir. by Niels Bourgonje
Kickass Scene Award
Escalation - Dir. by Christian Bachini
Best Folklore Film
Wendigo - Dir. by Erich Foerster
Best Monster
Ofuda - Dir. by Yoshinobu Nakamura
Most Evil Villain
Janus - Dir. by Priscila Carvalho Vailones
Best Classic Villain
The House - Dir. by Rosie Grypma, Wayne Lai
Cutest Monster
Sally's Lullaby - Dir. by Jonathan Cook
Best Animated Horror
Memento Mori - Dir. by Paul O'Flanagan
Best Sci-Fi Horror
Transfert - Dir. by Jonathan Degrelle
Best Horror Comedy
13 Callaway Place - Dir. by Jesse James Hennessy
Best Poster
Smiley Face - Dir. by François Ricard-Sheard
Honourable Mentions
The Name's Slim - Dir. by Tyrel Haight
Immolation - Dir. by Neal Tyler
Angler - Dir. by Angel Hernández
IVI ELV - Dir. by Luigi Scarpa